Tuesday, April 29, 2014


*********TOMORROW'S CLASS IS CANCELED********** (Wednesday APRIL 30)

Unfortunately, I have to cancel tomorrow's class, so our class meetings are now officially over.  We do not have class on Monday, May 5.  Before you work on your final essay, you should read and analyze Freire's "The Banking Concept of Education".  Here, again, is the link to that essay:

For your final essay, you will be writing an educational autobiography, which will be in letter form.  You will begin with "Dear Professor Carr" (or Dr. Carr, or Karen) and go on to write an in-depth examination of your educational history.  This should not be a simple chronology but, rather, an extensive look at the ways you were taught to think about learning, education, and the process of making meaning from/for your lives.  

You must refer to the articles that we have read for this section, which are found in the "Schooling" section of the textbook.  You must also work extensively with Freire's essay, by discussing the extent to which the "banking concept" was the pedagogical method employed by your teachers.  

The essay is due, via email, by Monday, May 12 at noon.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.

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