Wednesday, April 2, 2014

for monday, april 7

interview and essay

the last step of the process before the essay is to conduct an interview with your parent(s), or the people who you live with who bought/rented your house/apartment.

interview questions . . .these are preliminary questions. feel free to add you own. the aim here is to go beyond simple answers and to work to engage the person in a conversation:

when, exactly, did you move here?

what made you choose this neighborhood?

what made you choose this particular house/apartment?

what do you like about the neighborhood?

what do you dislike about the neighborhood?

would you say that the house itself or the neighborhood is your primary reason for being there?

essay due on monday april 14

once you have conducted your interview, take everything you've done for this project -- from your early interviews with classmates about neighborhood, to your walking tour, to your search for public art -- and create an essay in which you work out an analysis of place and space, and the role it plays in shaping identity. this essay needs to examine space and place in considerable depth.

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