Sunday, February 2, 2014

Essay #1

For this essay,  you will be constructing a cyborg autobiography -- an essay  in which you will think about how your own life has been shaped thus far by contemporary technologies, and by the idea, expressed in the article  by Sherry Turkle that "we are all cyborgs now" (36).

For Wednesday,  February 5, you will need to write four paragraphs that explore the idea of yourself as cyborg by identifying and interacting with one specific claim from each of the four essays in the chapter that deal with the ways we are being "rewired" (Lam, Turkle, Hayles, Gopnik).  You should begin each paragraph by identifying the specific claim, and then discussing your own views of the idea you have identified.  For this exercise, it is not necessary for the four paragraphs to work together as an essay.  In Wednesday's class, you will work to identify the ideas you are going to develop in more depth for your final essay.

For Monday, February 10, and Wednesday, February 12,  you must bring a rough draft of your cyborg autobiography as we will be doing peer critiques and workshops all week.

The final version of this essay is due on Sunday,  February 16 by 5pm via email to:

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